DARCARS Lexus of Englewood

Jan 20, 2023

Without a sufficient amount of fresh motor oil, your engine will rapidly run into trouble. Just like seeing the dentist, you shouldn’t go for longer than six months without a check-up and an oil change. But this interval can vary depending on your usual driving conditions and how often you get stuck in the sometimes busy traffic around Englewood, NJ.



Once Every 7,500 to 10,000 Miles

With the advanced oil and engines of today, it’s usually okay to go for 7,500 or even 10,000 miles before having your oil changed. For most drivers, this is once every six months, which is an easy schedule to remember and keep. If you rarely drive, then once a year should be fine.

Motor oil reduces friction in the engine, helping to keep the temperature down and the engine components lasting longer. It lubricates the valves, pistons, camshaft, and other mechanical parts. If your motor oil becomes reduced by age or a leak, your engine will rapidly start to overheat. This is why it’s unwise to ever miss an appointment to change your oil.

Oil Change in Englewood, NJ

Severe Driving Conditions

Engines are put under greater pressure by certain driving habits, conditions, and terrains. For example, the steep roads you find in mountainous regions can put a strain on an engine, as can dusty offroad trips. Towing weighty trailers also creates additional pressure.

Heavy stop-and-go traffic takes a toll on many different parts of your car. Frequent short trips are also bad for engines and motor oil, as the oil might not have time to warm up to an optimal temperature each time you drive. And hot weather is one more degrading factor.



Driving Conditions in Englewood, NJ

Englewood itself is a famously quiet neighborhood, which rarely experiences awful traffic despite how near it is to the city center. But if you commute often in the rush hour to other parts of New Jersey or into New York City, you might find yourself often stuck in stop-and-go traffic. This means you should consider more frequent oil checks and changes.

Apart from the mountainous regions of northern New Jersey, it’s not an excessively hilly state. So unless you enjoy regular trips to the mountains, steep roads are unlikely to be a problem for you. The heat of our New Jersey summers can, however, be an issue. It’s generally wise for every driver to have their oil replaced more frequently during summer.



Signs Your Oil Needs to Be Changed

With regular visits to your local dealership, you shouldn’t ever experience serious engine trouble. But if you ever notice signs of an overheating engine, then just like with tooth pain, see a specialist right away before it gets really painful.

Indications of engine problems as a result of diminished oil include strange knocking sounds, rough idling, burning smells, thick exhaust smoke, and steam from under the hood. Never drive far with an overheating engine, or it might seize up altogether.



Have your oil checked and changed today at DARCARS Lexus of Englewood by scheduling a service online now. We’re your certified Lexus service center that can be trusted to handle the job correctly and efficiently every time.