DARCARS Lexus of Englewood

Jan 13, 2022

Driving in the rain takes a particular set of skills that are very different from driving in dry weather. Englewood, NJ drivers need to know how to approach wet, slippery roads when they’re driving, so they can keep control of their car and arrive safely at their destination.


Have Your Car Inspected

Vehicles that are properly maintained are more prepared for inclement weather than those that do not get inspected regularly. Your car can be checked over before the rainy season at your local service center to ensure all components are in good condition and won’t present a safety hazard when driving in the rain.

For instance, your headlights, taillights, tires, and windshield wipers should all be in excellent shape before driving on wet roads.

Driving in Rainy Weather near Englewood, NJ


Slow Down

This is the best thing you can do when driving on wet roads to ensure you control your vehicle. Not only does it take you longer to stop when the roads are slick, but you also may have trouble seeing very far through the rain, especially if it’s pouring. Your windshield wipers can only improve visibility somewhat in driving rain, so you must slow down in case something darts out in front of you.


Use Your Windshield Wipers

Speaking of your windshield wipers, be sure to use them when it’s raining. This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many drivers don’t use them, especially during light rain. Even a little rain can cause visibility problems, though, so it’s essential to make sure your windshield is as clear as possible at all times.


Increase Your Distance From the Car in Front of You

As mentioned before, you will need more time to stop when the streets are wet than you do when they’re dry. Your tires may not grip the road right away, which can cause you to hydroplane for a few feet before your vehicle comes to a stop. For this reason, increase the distance between you and the car in front of you so that if it stops suddenly, you’ll also be able to safely stop before a collision occurs.


Let Off the Accelerator When Hydroplaning

It may be instinct to slam on the brakes when you start to hydroplane, but this is the worst thing you can do. Instead, take your foot off the gas and steer your car in the direction you need it to go. Slamming on your brakes locks your wheels up and makes them slide even more. Keep yourself in control of the car by touching neither the brakes nor the accelerator.



Learning how to drive in the rain and on wet roads is vital when you live in New Jersey, but you also want to make sure your car is ready to perform well in inclement weather. Bring your vehicle by DARCARS Lexus of Englewood, and we’ll ensure it’s ready for any and all road conditions.